A Key to Cracking the Fashion Industry

Although Kim Kardashian body-con dresses have (hopefully) had their day, there will always be a reliable cycle of trend driven fashion and these may take the forefront of your brand’s aesthetic or business model. This isn’t to say your entry to the market won’t be met with success, but the brands I see flourish the most go beyond time-limited taste and the latest hype to answer a deeper issue they’ve spotted with their customer profile.

Approaching fashion with a product based solution can be a stronger plan when tackling the industry and getting your foot in the door. Take my client Jordan Bishop who struggled in his own experiences to find swimwear that accommodated a lean waist and muscular thigh. Turns out he wasn’t the only one and his range was met with snowballing success.

Whether it’s a fit issue you feel has been ignored in the market or time to add a twist to a traditional corporate vibe, find your USP and approach the fashion industry with a solution to really get your foot in the door.

Alexandra Wall